
What's eating my plants? #832280

Asked May 27, 2023, 8:52 AM EDT

Along the sunny south side of our house in a rare spot of sun, I grow a few edibles. Something is eating them; I am not sure what and thus how to control. What I have tried does not seem effective. The pics show some some Swiss chard that was originally chomped by a groundhog, raccoon or deer (all of which have been spotted intermittently, although deer not yet this calendar year), and the chard is now regrowing but being eaten by some kind of insect, slug or caterpillar There are also recently planted basil (purple and green varieties) and dahlia, all with major damage. I have placed diatomaceous earth around all the plants (I had just watered and not yet re-applied in the pics), so slugs seem less likely. The dahlia I enclosed in chickenwire about a week before the pic. Arugula remains untouched and cherry tomato relatively unscathed. Around the corner in the front yard, dahlias are untouched. There have been many leafminers in nearby columbine plants and in beets before they got chomped (at the same time the swiss chard got chomped shortly after planting).

Prince George's County Maryland

Expert Response


It is difficult to say what it could be from these photos. Wildlife like you mentioned could have eaten any of those, but the chewing on some of the leaves looks like slug or snail damage, possibly a leaf chewing beetle. The diatomaceous earth is probably helpful for any insects or slugs. There are products on the market that act as slug repellent too. You could set up a bait trap with fruit, or look up how to fashion one on YouTube (using an old yogurt or cottage cheese tub), to see if you get a lot of slugs. for any rabbits, deer, squirrels, or other critters that may eat the leaves, either caging or netting the plants would probably be the easiest way to keep them off. 

Just because the dahlias aren't eaten in the front doesn't mean it can't be deer. Sometimes they won't wander into a certain area or decide the plant wasn't very tasty and will move on to something else. 

Rabbits have never seemed to like my dahlias, but I have seen deer eat them before. 

Usually wildlife will leave basil and other strongly scented plants alone, so that is more likely a slug as well. 

Let us know if you have further questions with any of this. 


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