
Dogwood Tree #831913

Asked May 24, 2023, 6:11 PM EDT

Can you tell me what this is on our Dogwood tree? We planted it one year ago and just noticed this in the past couple of weeks.

Boone County Kentucky

Expert Response

Hey Martha,

There is a small chance that this could be dogwood anthracnose, which is a fungal disease. It could also simply be symptoms of stress from the tree.

To get a proper diagnosis, I would recommend you bring a sample consisting of a small branch and leaves to your local extension office. We will be able to look at it under a microscope there. We can also send it to the diagnostic laboratory at the University of Kentucky if we cannot determine what is happening within our office. A list of all of the county offices and location can be found at 

Let me know if you have any further questions,


An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 26, 2023, 2:09 PM EDT

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