Strawberries wilting and dying #831867
Asked May 24, 2023, 3:13 PM EDT
Linn County Iowa
Expert Response
These symptoms can be caused by a number of potential issues. From what I can
see in the photos, it is not clear what maybe causing the problem. It
looks similar to Phomopsis leaf blight, but the timing is not well
aligned with what we would expect. Typically the symptoms show up later
in the growing season after harvest. They also don’t align exactly
with what I would expect for this particular disease.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to confirm a disease from photos alone. If
interested, you can send a sample to the Iowa State University Plant
and Insect Diagnostic Clinic to confirm what disease you are trying to
manage. It
would be best to start with an email and some photos so the clinic
staff can advise on the best time and method for collecting and
submitting a sample based on the most likely issue. More information on how to collect and submit a sample can be found here:
The other thing to investigate are the environmental conditions. Is this
area more compacted (because it was a walking path, for example)? Could
there be an inconsistent application of water leaving this area drier?
Strawberries are relatively shallow rooted and susceptible to drying
out easily. Overly compacted soils may inhibit root growth (making it
more difficult to take up water) or dry conditions could also cause
wilting like this. It would be beneficial to investigate the site and
see if this area is different in some way the surrounding area causing
the wilting.
Aaron Steil
Consumer Horticulture Extension Specialist
Department of Horticulture | Iowa State University
If the soil is heavy, it would be beneficial to incorporate organic matter
into the top 6 to 10 inches of soil the next time you replant the area.
Reaching out to the Plant and Insect Diagnostic clinic would be beneficial.
Aaron Steil
Consumer Horticulture Extension Specialist
Department of Horticulture | Iowa State University
he / him / his