
Grub beetle? #831704

Asked May 23, 2023, 7:25 PM EDT

Hi, I had a big problem in the fall of lawn damage because of voles. I think I got rid of the voles with a castor oil based product now I have a lot of damage to try to repair. I treated the lawn at that time with a generic insecticide, and when I checked the sod I didn’t see a lot of grubs. I do have ants in the lawn and it is generally weakened. Can you advise a plan to revive my lawn to healthy again. When I was walking around I found this beetle, dead in the grass. Is it from grubs? Ugggg please help I’m ready to give up! Thanks, Carol Brent

Oakland County Michigan

Expert Response

Hello just confirming that you received my question. Will you be able to answer soon? Thanks

The Question Asker Replied May 27, 2023, 10:15 AM EDT
My first recommendation is to do a soil test to learn more about your soil including soil type, pH, nutrient levels and more. Knowing the type and fertility of your soil is the starting point to establishing & maintaining a strong turf that can resist diseases, moss and insects/grubs and look great. More info here: Don't Guess-Soil Test-MSU and MSU Home Soil Test-self mailer
They will tell you if you have any deficiencies and how to correct them.  Email us if you have questions and we can help clarify things.
The lawn photo doesn't look that bad.  Your lawn can be repaired by overseeding in the latter half of August and should look great by October!  You'll need seed, compost, starter fertilizer, clean straw and a water source.  Read the attached links for more info:
Establishing A New Lawn Using Seed (E2910)-MSU  - this is for new lawns but has good instructions that apply to repair as well.
Renovating A Lawn for Quality & sustainability-UMN
Lawn Renovation & Over-seeding-UMass 
Renovation of Lawns-PSU
If the thin spots are like that in the photo, apply some compost, fertilize lightly and use a garden rake to loosen the top half inch of soil before applying seed.  Remember: good seed and good seed-to-soil contact = success.  Cover with straw and water every morning until fall rains take over.
Yes, the beetle in your photo was once a grub.  You are at the best time to do a preventive grub treatment which is the most effective way to kill them.  Read the attached link and follow the preventive instructions:
How to Choose & Apply Grub Control Products-MSU
More info:
Managing White Grubs in Turfgrass-Purdue
Take Control of Lawn Grubs w-o chemicals-PSU
How Do I Treat for Grubs in My Lawn-UNH
Be sure to apply the correct insecticide by early July AND water in in with at least 1/2" of water right away, it needs to be taken up by the turf roots to be effective.  Always follow the pesticide label directions attached to the pesticide container you are using. Be sure that the area you wish to treat is listed on the label of the pesticide you intend to use. Remember, the label is the law.
Ant control:
Dick M. Replied May 30, 2023, 3:07 PM EDT

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