
What is killing our trees #831139

Asked May 20, 2023, 10:31 PM EDT

I will attach photos. Trees seem to be filled with ants & woodpeckers are going after the ants. We had 2 trees die last yr this yr there are 5.

Otter Tail County Minnesota

Expert Response

Good Morning Sandra, 

Thank you for contacting the U of M Extension Service. 

Please click on the following link from the U of M Extension Yard and Garden website:

This website discusses several diseases of coniferous tree that may be killing your trees. 

Last year was a drought year and made trees more susceptible to diseases if they were not watered. From your photos, it appears the trees have been declining for more than a year. 

Here is another link about eastern spruce budworm:

Sorry about your trees. 

Maureen Graber Replied May 21, 2023, 8:16 AM EDT

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