
Kwanzan Cherry Tree #830601

Asked May 17, 2023, 4:41 PM EDT

The leaves on my Kwanzan cherry tree are drooping and turning yellow. This has occurred over a two week period. The tree is 8 year old and always has been health. I follow all the appropriate steps to fertilizer and treat for fungus. I assumed the tree was dehydrated so I stepped up the watering with no results. It looks like the tree is dying. Any help would be great.

Durham County North Carolina

Expert Response

The Kwanzan Cherry tree in your picture does not show much about the tree except the overall shape and location of the tree.  These trees are not long lived and are subject to several diseases and pest problems. If you could take pictures of the leaves close up that seem to be affected( both sides of them), and also pictures of the trunk. Look for any cracks in the bark or small critters on the leaves. You can take a small branch and tap it against a sheet of white paper looking then for black specks that may move. I am including here some links to problems with Kwanzan Cherry trees that you may find useful. There are some reasons for yellowing and leaf drop on most trees, but if you have not seen this before it warrants more investigation.
You may also wish to do a soil test of the soil under the drip line of the tree and information of that is in the following link:

The following link takes you to the Extension Tool Box, and if you scroll down, you will see that this tree is prone to several insect and pestproblems.

With more complete pictures we may be able to address your questions with more detail and diagnosis.  You are also welcome to bring in a branch for evaluation by our agent who will return next week. Our address is 721 Foster St in Durham, hours are from 8am-5pm, M-F.

Pana Jones, Program Assistant Replied May 23, 2023, 10:14 AM EDT
Here are the additional pictures that you requested.  The leaves are now brown BUT are soft to the touch. As stated in previous emails, the tree has been fertilized, treated for fungus and pest and is on a watering schedule.  I will check your resources and check the soil pH, ASAP.  


From: ask=<personal data hidden> <ask=<personal data hidden>> on behalf of Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2023 10:14 AM
To: Bernard Smith <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Kwanzan Cherry Tree (#0100527)
The Question Asker Replied May 30, 2023, 5:21 PM EDT

It looks like a fungal infection called brown rot. The homeowner reports that "The leaves are now brown BUT are soft to the touch. As stated in previous emails, the tree has been fertilized, treated for fungus and pest and is on a watering schedule."
The fungal disease may have returned.
My resource:


Durham County Extension Master Gardener

Pana Jones, Program Assistant Replied June 02, 2023, 3:06 PM EDT

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