
Planting Dogwood Tree #830569

Asked May 17, 2023, 2:14 PM EDT

I received a beautiful, very healthy looking Cherokee Brave dogwood tree for Mother's Day, which is in full bloom and about 6 feet tall. I understand the best times to plant dogwoods in the ground are either in the fall or in early spring. We live in a north coastal area close to the ocean. I would appreciate your advice on what would be the best chance for survival for the tree: leave in the pot it was received in until fall or plant the tree in the ground now. Thank you.

Tillamook County Oregon

Expert Response

Dear Jane,

What a lovely mother's day gift you received. I would recommend that you plant it now before it gets any hotter. We just had a heatwave weekend and luckily we have cooled off again. So get it in the ground before the heat returns. Once in the ground, it will have an easier time keeping even temperature. As a new transplant, it will require extra attention to watering for the first 1-2 years during our non rainy season.  Remember to dig a hole 2-3 times its width and make sure that top of the root ball is at the level of or just 1-2 inches above the soil level when planting. There is no need to add fertilizer at the time of planting. But do mulch around it after planting to help retain moisture. 

I have attached an OSU extension on selecting and planting ornamental trees for further information.

Mitra Rado, Master Gardener Volunteer Replied May 17, 2023, 4:41 PM EDT

Dear Mitra,

Thank you for your quick response! Your recommendation and the additional information sent is very helpful and all very much appreciated--thank you!

Jane Rausch

The Question Asker Replied May 19, 2023, 4:38 PM EDT


You are welcome!


Mitra Rado, Master Gardener Volunteer Replied May 19, 2023, 4:52 PM EDT

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