
Climbing Rose Pest #829673

Asked May 12, 2023, 12:07 PM EDT

What is eating this climbing rose bush bioAdvance Rose & Flower Insect killer does not seem to work

Calvert County Maryland

Expert Response


This looks like a Roseslug Sawfly. That is the adult fly in the photos you provided. The larval stage will eat the leaves like that and likely you would have noticed small green worm-like larvae under the leaves. What you used, lists the active ingredient as pyrethroid which can be pretty harsh to other beneficial insects like various bees and other pollinators that may visit the blooms as well. You likely applied the product after the first generation of larvae already matured and why you are seeing the damaged and the adult flies. 

NC State extension recommends horticultural oil or spinosad for the larval stage. You could wait at this point to monitor under the leaves to watch for the next hatch of the larvae as they can be active through the fall. Targeting the larvae will be more effective then the adult flies and less harmful to beneficials. You can also hand pick off the larvae to help gain control of their population too.  As with any product, read the label for directions and care to make sure you are applying the least amount possible as to not harm the plant itself, surround plants or needed insects.

Let us know if you have further questions with this. 


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