
Plant Identification #827117

Asked April 25, 2023, 12:37 PM EDT

Hi there!

My sister has these little plants sprouting up everywhere, and we're wondering what they are, how big do they get, are they considered native/invasive, are they edible by wildlife such as deer - she lives near Bear Creek Park and there are deer a-plenty that roam her neighborhood. They arrived in the fill dirt a landscaping company brought when they rebuilt the retaining wall. She doesn't want to use chemical herbicides that can harm other plant life and insect/wildlife, so we were thinking of just raking the area to dislodge the baby roots.

Any information you have about the plant, and any advice as to whether she should definitely get rid of it and how to do so that doesn't involve spraying would be most appreciated. Thank you!


El Paso County Colorado

Expert Response

Hello Ana,

Thank you for your question about the mystery plant that has appeared in your sister's yard.  The seedlings appear to be Kochia which is a native of Asia and was introduced from Europe.  A characteristic of this plant is the leaves are alternate, lance shaped, entire and the leaf margins are fringed with hairs which I can see in your picture.  People usually consider this plant an objectional weed but it is readily grazed by livestock, I don't know if deer are included.  It can sometimes contain high nitrate levels and can be toxic.

The plant is an annual so pulling, raking or scraping the seedlings can help to control the plant.  Each time you disturb the soil new seeds are exposed and could sprout.  It could take awhile to deplete the seed bank.  Try to keep any of the plants from producing seed.  It is not considered a Colorado Noxious Weed.

I am including an article from the Colorado Plant Database Jefferson County Extension.

We are pleased to answer any future questions that you may have.
Barbara    Replied April 26, 2023, 2:47 PM EDT

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