
Magnolia Damage #826836

Asked April 23, 2023, 6:30 PM EDT

Mid winter we notice some bark damage on our tree. It was not done by deer, rabbit, or kids as no tracks or signs were in the snow. We are now noticing it is getting worse and is showing up on nearby branches. Half the bush is showing up with black bark. The past two summers we have delt with soft scale which we have tried treating with some spray and spraying them off with water. I am not too sure how successful were were. Can you tell what is causing the bark damage and best way to treat it. I have not seen any birds at the damage spot. Thank you

Ramsey County Minnesota

Expert Response

Squirrels might have stripped the bark.  (Compare the damage shown in the following publication.)  If so, we don't know any way to prevent this, short of taking measures to keep squirrels out of the tree.  Unfortunately, such measures often aren't feasible.

Portions of the shrub with black bark may be covered with sooty mold. The mold often grows on honeydew excreted by scale insects. If that's what happened in this case, controlling the scales will eliminate the mold.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied April 23, 2023, 7:54 PM EDT

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