
What to do with tree stump underground after tree is removed? #826134

Asked April 18, 2023, 10:46 AM EDT

After remove 35 ft tree, is it necessary to grind all of tree stump that is underground? if only grind it about 4" into ground will any remaining stump in ground cause bug infestation that could get to house? Tree is about 15 ft. from house Is it ok to put stump grindings in the hole? I have extra rocks. Would that cause any problems to put them in the hole? Will tree roots underground continue to grow after tree is removed & stump is grinded? Regarding exposed tree roots above ground, is it enough to just grind them? or does more need to be done? Thank you so much for all your help!

Oakland County Michigan

Expert Response


From the article: Removing Tree Stumps - June 20, 2014 - Written by Rhonda Ferree, retired horticulture educator - University of Illinois

The information highlighted in red should answer your questions

Recent droughty summers, a cold winter, and various other environmental and pest problems have killed many trees in our area. Usually, when a tree is removed, a stump is left behind. Here are several suggestions on how to remove tree stumps easily, quickly, and economically.

According to Bob Frazee, retired University of Illinois Natural Resources Educator, the cheapest and easiest method of removal, although not the quickest, is to cut the stump at or below the ground level, cover it with soil, and keep the soil moist. Decayed organisms will then rot the wood. The grass may be planted in the soil if the thin layer over the stump is kept moist during dry seasons. The decaying method may be hastened by boring several vertical holes in the stump before it is covered with soil. This method may be used at any time during the year.

Frazee says that stumps may also be burned out. However, before burning stumps, be sure to check your local ordinances to see whether open burning is permitted. Frazee suggests that stumps may be burned out quickly with charcoal or coal by making a "stove" from an empty 5-gallon metal container. A stove is made by removing the bottom and top from the can and punching 4 to 5 one-inch holes in the side near the bottom. Place the stove on top of the stump and build a fire in it. A hot fire is required to burn out stumps since the wood absorbs moisture from the soil and burns like green wood. Stumps will burn best during dry seasons.

Grubbing or digging out stumps is another option, according to Frazee, but it is arduous work. Stumps larger than 15 inches in diameter are usually difficult for the average person to remove.

***This is the option you used! - A popular option for homeowners to explore is the use of a commercial stump grinder. Mechanical stump grinders that chip the wood are available from some landscaping firms, tree removal services, and some community street departments. A stump-cutting or grinding machine is often the quickest and most satisfactory means of removal. It can chip out a stump to 8 or 12 inches below ground level in minutes.
Yes, you can put the grindings or rocks in the hole
Yes, exposed tree roots can be ground and won't continue to grow

Stump removal is not easy. Many people resolve to leave the stump and let it decay naturally. Chemicals are available that can help speed up the decomposition process. Instructions for stump removal chemicals will vary from product to product, but all require drilling several holes in the stump. A measured amount of chemicals is poured into each hole, and then water is added to fill the holes. Let the mixture stand for four to six weeks. Repeat applications may be necessary.

Sometimes the decaying stump is included in the landscaping. I saw a stump used as a miniature fairy garden recently that was cute. Try adding containers on top of the stump for an unusual look. I once put a wooden wheelbarrow filled with annual flowers on a stump and added more annual flowers around the stump. Use your imagination, and you may find leaving the stump is a good option.

If the tree is not completely dead when it is cut down, the stump may produce sucker growth. You have two options to solve this problem. The quickest solution is to immediately treat the cut surface with an herbicide such as Tordon. You can also cut off all new sucker growth before it reaches eight inches to gradually deplete the stored food, but this can take five to ten years to be completely effective.

Finally, remember that dead trees are an important part of our ecosystem. Many birds and small mammals nest in dead trees. Consider leaving the tree if it is in an area where it won't be an eyesore or cause safety issues over time.

I hope this helps!
An Ask Extension Expert Replied April 18, 2023, 6:01 PM EDT

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