
Clover lawn in washtenaw county #825723

Asked April 14, 2023, 10:06 PM EDT

Hello, I live in washtenaw county, MI, and would like to add clover to my lawn. is there a good native variety that i can purchase?

Washtenaw County Michigan

Expert Response

Interestingly 'good' lawns contained clover before the advent of synthetic broadleaf herbicides. But clover became a 'weed' because the broadleaf herbicides also killed it and marketing had to create a solution.
There are microclover and white clover that can be used in lawns. 
Microclover has it's good and bad points. It plays nicely in turf, especially turf-type tall fescue. But it is not hardy in hot, dry summers (when turf goes dormant) and will need to be reseeded in the fall. White clover is more aggressive but hardier. Both clovers are nitrogen fixing which reduces nitrogen fertilizer application. White clover (Trifolium repens) is traditionally planted in ornamental lawns and grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 to 11. "Dutch" or "New Zealand" white clover are the best varieties for lawns because they are low-growing and blend well with lawn grasses. I prefer them over microclover because I don’t want to have to reseed frequently.
Links to more information:
Lawns & Microclover-UMaryland - pros & cons of microclover, open the pdf at the end of the article too.
Using Clover for Lawns?-Purdue - turf of 100% clover
White Clover-Info & Control-PSU- considered a weed in this article
Planting and maintaining a bee lawn | UMN Extension - open the 'flowers for bee lawns' tab
White clover exploding in lawns - MSU Extension - adequate fertilization helps check white clover expansion
Regarding seed sources, MSU Extension does not endorse any retailers or brands. I'd recommend visiting a local nursery or sod farm to get their recommendations on seed cultivars in your area.
Dick M. Replied April 16, 2023, 9:21 PM EDT

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