
Will this apple tree survive? #825087

Asked April 10, 2023, 7:39 PM EDT

We recently discovered that our honeygold apple tree has been attacked by some animal over the winter, as most of the bark on the trunk has been stripped clean. Is this tree significantly damaged? Can it survive? How can we best help it? The tree was planted 3 years ago.

Dakota County Minnesota

Expert Response

Hi Patrick,

I'm sorry to tell you but that tree looks like a goner. If it makes you feel any better you have lots of company. Folks all over MN have trees that look like that this Spring ( including myself).

Rabbits.....if the tree has the bark eaten all around the trunk it's very likely to die. You can wait and see but I sure would plant another apple tree as soon as you can.

Sally Granth, MG Volunteer At Large

An Ask Extension Expert Replied April 10, 2023, 9:17 PM EDT

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