
High phosphorus soil test #824584

Asked April 05, 2023, 3:30 PM EDT

My most recent soil test in my flower bed showed that I have above optimal phosphorus levels. Since then I have tried to refrain from using fertilizers with P. The vast majority of fertilizers for flowering plants and bulbs seem to have high P numbers. The MSU lab recommended I use 1-0-3 ratios for fertilizer which I have done. Author Robert Pavlis, in his book “Compost Science for Gardeners: Simple Methods for Nutrient-Rich Soil,” says that excess phosphorus that builds up in the soil over time becomes rock phosphate which is unavailable to plants. Should I continue to avoid using fertilizers with phosphorus because there's plenty available for the plants already there or should I use specialized fertilizers like bulb fertilizer 9-9-6

Washtenaw County Michigan

Expert Response

Good job getting a soil test to learn more about the health of your soil.  With the above optimum level in your soil, there is no need to add more.  Phosphorous is very slow to move through soil or be taken up by the plants so this level will not go down like other nutrients.  It may be more challenging, but I would continue to look for fertilizer that best fits the ratio recommended in your results.  I've included a link below with more info about phosphorus in the soil.   Hope that helps.

Diane - MSU Advanced Extension Master Gardener Replied April 07, 2023, 2:02 PM EDT

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