
shrub junipers browning #824044

Asked March 31, 2023, 11:13 AM EDT

Our 4 year old Blue Star junipers are browning from the center outward. We’re thinking of moving them to a drier, sunny location but wondered if they can be made to green up again?

Deschutes County Oregon

Expert Response

Hello Stephen,

Thank you for your question about your Blue Star junipers. Before moving the plants, you may want to determine what is causing the browning. It could be a watering issue, or perhaps an insect problem. The following information describes common juniper plant problems:

Insects, Diseases, and Other Plant Problems: 'Blue Star' Singleseed Juniper has no serious insect or disease problems. In rainy or wet springs, it may be susceptible to twig blight. Other diseases include root rot, cedar-apple rust, and other rust diseases. Potential insects include aphids, bagworms, twig borers, webworms, scale, and spider mites.

Juniperus squamata 'Blue Star' ('Blue Star' Juniper, 'Blue Star' Singleseed Juniper, Flaky Juniper 'Blue Star', Singleseed Juniper 'Blue Star') | North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox (

One option is to take cuttings of the damaged area of the plant along with photos to the OSU Extension office in Redmond. Be sure to include a cutting with healthy plant tissue in addition to the damaged area. A member of the horticulture team will examine the plant and determine what may be causing the problem. This link provides information about the OSU Extension location and hours: Deschutes County | OSU Extension Service (

Another option is to send photos of the plant with a description of the problem to Amy Jo Detweiler, a member of the OSU Horticulture Staff. This link includes Amy Jo’s contact /email information at the Extension Office: Amy Jo Detweiler ( Amy Jo welcomes your home garden questions and is a great resource.

Susan P., OSU Master Gardener Volunteer Replied April 03, 2023, 2:42 PM EDT

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