
color of caruncles #823713

Asked March 28, 2023, 12:10 PM EDT

We have many wild turkeys and right now the boys are really struttin' their stuff. I have noticed a color variation in the males caruncles. Some are brilliant red and some are orange. Is this a variation in excitement, or age or do they just come in different colors?

Calaveras County California

Expert Response

Turkeys have a snood and caruncles. Both enlarge when male turkeys become excited.  

Snood size depends on age as it increases in size with older birds. It also elongates when turkeys strut their stuff and then shrinks back to normal size after they are done. The color of the snood depends on the variety of turkey (there is only one breed - what people call breeds are actually varieties). Resting colors can range from pinkish to red. When turkeys strut, especially for long periods, the snood gets darker red.

The caruncles also change. The term 'caruncles' refers to all the leather-like skin that wraps around the turkey's head and runs down their necks. Again, resting colors range from pinkish to red. When the tom is excited, the caruncles become dark red. Near the eye, however, the caruncles turn blue instead.

Dr. Jacquie Jacob Replied March 28, 2023, 1:24 PM EDT

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