
Brown Rot in Peaches? #820374

Asked February 14, 2023, 3:07 PM EST

Last August peaches on our trees started showing signs of rot as they started ripening. We've never seen this before on our 11 yr old 49er trees. We spray fixed copper and dormant oil according to the OSU spray schedule. Is this brown rot? Ho do we treat the trees for it?

Jackson County Oregon

Expert Response

Hi There, 

I am curious about the round holes in the center of the discolored area. Usually, a hole like that is associated with earwig feeding in stone fruits. Did you notice the holes before or after the discoloration? 
The brown color doesn’t look like brown rot, which usually has spores. This brown discoloration could be from a secondary infection or oxidation if an insect made the hole first.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied February 14, 2023, 6:42 PM EST

Hi - This past summer we did have a big problem with earwigs, squash bugs and cucumber beetles eating the peaches.  We have never had a problem like this before.  Maybe a few earwigs in years past but never squash bugs or cucumber beetles.  Many of our peaches had holes like this however not all of them got the brown rot like circle.  I did find about 8-10 peaches that had molded on the tree.  They were shriveled and fuzzy gray.  I don't recall if any of them had any holes.  

The Question Asker Replied February 14, 2023, 10:44 PM EST
It is difficult to say what exactly the issue is without photos of the shriveled, fuzzy fruit. It could be brown rot, but usually I associate brown rot with warm, humid conditions. Here is a nice article for home growers about brown rot: Hopefully this helps. 
An Ask Extension Expert Replied February 15, 2023, 12:38 PM EST

I appreciate your responses!  If it is a secondary infection from insect holes, is there an organic insecticide I can use to prevent further fruit damage during the ripening period?  Thank you so much!

The Question Asker Replied February 15, 2023, 1:54 PM EST
There are a few organic insecticides that target earwigs. I would also suggest trapping them,soapy%20water%20in%20the%20morning.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied February 15, 2023, 2:08 PM EST

Thank you so much for your responses!

The Question Asker Replied February 15, 2023, 11:35 PM EST

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