
Oak tree versus aphids #819701

Asked February 03, 2023, 11:58 AM EST

Hi. I have three oak trees of moderate age, all around 30 feet tall. During the last couple of summers the leaves of the trees have been partially eaten by what I thought was a worm. By early summer, most every leaf on the trees were riddled with holes, and many of the leaves were destroyed. I know a student in the agriculture programs at Ohio State, and she took a picture of little bugs on the tree that she called 'Oak aphids'. I'm fairly certain that these are the culprit of the problem. I've attached a photo. Do you know how I can rid the trees of these little buggers? Do you have a recommendation of a reputable arborist or tree service that might be able to help me? My email is: <personal data hidden> My cell # is:<personal data hidden> Thanks.

Fairfield County Ohio

Expert Response

Aphids are a  common pest on oak trees.  The damage from these insects is typically not as severe as you describe.  Is it possible there are other factors involved besides the aphids (other pests, cultural or environmental problems)?  
Examine your trees carefully as early in the season as possible to look for other such factors.  Here is a fact sheet on aphids from the University of Minnesota (information is good for Ohio) that deals with aphid control:  Note that a forceful stream of water is often enough to dislodge aphids.  However, in severe cases insecticides may be needed.  Insecticides that are not likely to harm insects that prey on aphids are listed.
Remember that when opting for any chemical control it is necessary to read and follow all label directions.
     An ISA (International Society of Arboriculture) certified arborist to help you with your trees can be located by going to

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