
New orchid owner #817310

Asked December 07, 2022, 9:52 AM EST

Hello reader, Recently I moved into my first condo and long story short one of my neighbors was giving away an orchid that I took and would like to care for. I've never had an orchid before so I reported it with the same bark filler and gave it a soak in water. The roots are a bit white and green so I don't know if that is a good or bad thing. I know the petals are white as I found some in with the bark. Any help woth how to care/maintain the orchid would be appreciated!

Hennepin County Minnesota

Expert Response

Your orchid is a phalaenopsis or moth orchid and it looks very healthy. It will probably bloom in Feb.
One of the secrets to getting them to bloom is watering with 1/4th strength orchid fertilizer and strong indirect light. If it is sitting near a south window a sheer curtain will keep it from getting sunburned. Having the room cooling off at night also helps. They like temps to drop about 10 degrees at night but this is not essential. There are hundreds of videos on line about growing moth orchids. Some are really helpful, one does have to be skeptical. 
Good luck they are fun to grow.

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