
soil #816995

Asked November 28, 2022, 3:42 PM EST

where i get soil test for garden vegtables,thank you,

Charles County Maryland

Expert Response

Our web page Soil Testing and Soil Testing Labs provides information on what soil testing measures and which area labs offer thorough and reliable testing. Samples usually only need to be sent in a zip-top plastic bag and mailing envelope, so don't really require any type of kit; any forms to fill out and information about fees to include can be found on each lab's web page. Sometimes local nurseries in Maryland have on-hand envelopes for one or more of the labs that they give out for free (since testing fees go to the lab, not the nursery) to simplify the process, but you'd need to ask the nursery since we don't keep track of that information and their supply likely fluctuates throughout the year.

Samples are mailed to the lab and the lab responds by email, regular mail, or both with the results and fertilizer recommendations based on the plant type you indicated you wish to grow (vegetables in this case). You don't necessarily have to follow their fertilization recommendations; we use the tests mainly for the results data and can adjust any fertilizer use recommendations based on how you tell us you're gardening. (For example, high organic matter content in your soil from frequent compost applications might negate the need for certain nutrient supplementation since it will provide those nutrients as it breaks down.) You can always submit your test results here as an image or PDF attachment for help interpreting the results.


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