
seedless concord grapes #816959

Asked November 27, 2022, 6:46 PM EST

I live in Gambier OH Zone 5. I want to grow seedless concord grapes. The seller says only up to zone 6. since concords do well here, is that correct?

Knox County Ohio

Expert Response

Thank you for your question about growing Concord grapes in your USDA Zone 5b garden.  Concord grapes are considered very hardy, surviving temperatures as low at -30 Degrees F.  See this article from Penn State University Extension:
The average annual extreme minimum temperature in your zone 5b garden is -15 to -10 degrees F.    

Concords are described in the research literature as being "very hardy", and they should be hardy for you in Gambier.  Make sure that you purchase from a reputable source so that the stock is vigorous.  Here's some information  from OSU's Ohioline on planting, pruning, and fertilizing your new grapes:

Good luck with your grape growing.
Karen E Replied November 28, 2022, 5:37 AM EST

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