
Plant id needed #816060

Asked November 07, 2022, 1:17 PM EST

Hi. This plant is in Gaylord MI. I think it may be a Euonymus, spindle tree but the color of the seed covering (?) is confusing me. Can you help identify it for me? Thanks.

Otsego County Michigan

Expert Response

Hi Kathy -
You are correct, this is a cultivar of the Wintercreeper, Euonymus fortunei.  There are many cultivars of this species, and it would be difficult to determine exactly which one you have there.  As you can see in the link I have included, there are many photos of different colors of fruit and leaves.  This plant is not native to Michigan or even to the USA.  

I got this description of fruit from the link I included:
Fruit is a reddish, pink, ivory to yellow capsule splitting and showing orange-red seeds. Fertile flowers are replaced by seed capsules that become mature during the autumn. Mature seed capsules are white, globoid, and about ¼ inch across. Eventually, they split open to reveal fleshy arils that are orange to red; solitary seeds occurs within these arils.

I hope this helps!  
An Ask Extension Expert Replied November 09, 2022, 12:16 AM EST

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