
Pine trees dying ? #815353

Asked October 27, 2022, 12:47 PM EDT

I have I believe a jack pine @ 40 ft tall looks like it’s dying or lacking something does it need to be cut down needles are turning brown and dropping center looks like a bunch of dead limbs

Monroe County Michigan

Expert Response

Good Evening,
It looks like you may have some kind of beetle.  I suggest having an arborist come out and assess the tree.  Find an Arborist (
This is also a possibility.  Diplodia is a look alike.  Needles will turn straw colored on pines which may mimic symptoms of bark beetle damage. Tiny, black spores found at the base of dead needles, on cone scales, or on twigs and branch bark can confirm Diplodia.  For a small fee you can also send in a sample for a firm diagnosis, send a sample to MSU Diagnostic Services.

What's wrong with my plant? : Garden : University of Minnesota Extension (

I hope this helps.  Thanks for using our service.
V/r, Replied October 30, 2022, 6:37 PM EDT

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