
I need more help with my tomatoes #815185

Asked October 25, 2022, 1:27 PM EDT

3 years ago MSU extension helped me with my tomatoes telling me they had Septoria Leaf Spot. The photos I have attached are from 9/3/22. I use Fung-onil (1T/gal) after every rain, top & bottom of the leaves. Is there a better pesticide available? I water with a drip system. I use fabric under the plants. Can you recommended some tomato varieties with greater resistance? Any other help would be greatly appreciated.

Charlevoix County Michigan

Expert Response

My inquiry was closed with no comment. 

I still need help with the fungus on my tomatoes. 
One plant, a Beefmaster, was dead by first of Sept.  All others, except the cherry tomatoes, were half-consumed by season end.  Cherry tomatoes only slightly. 

What else can I do?

Any suggestions will be appreciated. 

The Question Asker Replied November 02, 2022, 9:03 AM EDT

Sorry, not sure what happened. I possibly hit the wrong button.

Plant diseases are sometimes difficult to diagnose. When a plant doesn't respond to a treatment, there may be resistance to the treatment or more likely the diagnosis is incorrect.    Brown edges and stem lesions on the plants seem to indicate that this is a bacterial problem.  Most likely this is bacterial canker; however, the spotting on the fruit is not evident.  Pathogen source can come from seed, weeds, plant debris, transplants, etc. (see links).  Crop rotation can be a big help. Other bacterial diseases could be suspect.  Although bacterial canker is hard to treat, for other bacterial diseases, a copper-based fungicide (also a bactericide) can reduce the progression of the disease. It could be the photograph, but the plants look like they could be shy on some nutrients. A soil test should answer that question. Check out the following links:

Bacterial canker of tomato | UMN Extension

Tomato leaf spot diseases | UMN Extension

Tomato Diseases and Disorders (

Tomato | Diseases and Pests, Description, Uses, Propagation (

Again, sorry for the delay. I hope this is helpful.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied November 02, 2022, 10:28 AM EDT

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