
Okra - Alabama Red #813995

Asked October 12, 2022, 10:01 AM EDT


My okra (Alabama Red variety) is about 11 to 12 feet tall and is very prolific. My question is should I have cut them back or just let them keep growing? I have never topped them when growing okra and I have never had okra grow this tall before. I had to support two of them with some pvc since the wind would blow them over helping of course with picking but nevertheless worried it would destroy the plant. The pvc bends just enough but not too stiff to help the plant sway but not bend completely like it was doing. Every year I usually plant several different varieties of okra, but this year I planted Alabama Red and a couple Clemson variety ones. I'm picking around 3 to 6 pods a day total so far around 7/8 +/- gallons which isn't bad for 8 plants. Any insight would be helpful. Thank you.

Houston County Texas

Expert Response

Forgot to mentioned Zone 8 Texas III 

The Question Asker Replied October 12, 2022, 10:23 AM EDT

The Question Asker Replied October 12, 2022, 10:49 AM EDT

Hi, Michael!

You wouldn't need to do anything this point in the season. An option for next year is to cut some of the plants back to knee high in mid to late summer to force new shoots to grow from near the base for more trunks and a good harvest later in the season and at a reachable height.

Looks good!
Brandi Keller

An Ask Extension Expert Replied October 12, 2022, 1:50 PM EDT

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