
Copper trellis for tomatoes and cucumbers #813904

Asked October 11, 2022, 10:37 AM EDT

Hello, I would like to build a copper trellis to grow tomatoes and cucumbers next year, I have seen conflicting reports about using copper pipe in a vegetable garden. Is copper safe to use for tomato and cucumber plants ? Thanks in advance.

Lancaster County Nebraska

Expert Response

Hi David -

Copper is an essential nutrient for plants but in abundance it can have toxic properties.  We often see copper toxicity when a copper based fungicide has been overused during the course of multiple years.  Crop rotation is important with reduction of disease pressure.  I imagine that you would rotate your crops and move the trellis with them - that would help reduce copper build up in the soil.  Would the copper from the trellis pose a risk?  I am not sure.  I didn't find any research that indicates one way or another.  However, copper is malleable and not sure if it could support the weight of a heavy fruit load.
Thank you, Replied October 31, 2022, 2:44 PM EDT

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