
What is causing distorted leaves on new groth wye oak seedling #813753

Asked October 10, 2022, 9:43 AM EDT

Distorted leaves on top new growth, white substance between one drooped leaf and trunk. Seedling around 3 years old Doing well except at top new growth

Baltimore County Maryland

Expert Response

We don't recognize these symptoms as indicative of a specific pest or disease, but we expect it will clear-up on its own and not reappear next spring. A number of minor ailments like transient pest feeding, insect galls, fungal or bacterial infections, or even weather impacts can cause distorted growth or deformed foliage. Fortunately, few of these causal agents impact long-term plant health. We aren't sure what the white substance is since it's hard to see clearly, but it may be silk from an insect or spider and would therefore be harmless; fungal growth on trees tends not to have that appearance.

It's interesting that what appears to be older growth that emerged earlier this year looks unaffected. Was any type of herbicide or other pesticide used near the sapling in recent weeks? (If herbicide was applied but not in this area of the yard, was the sprayer used for other pesticide applications and possibly not well-rinsed in between?)

Regardless of cause, for now there is nothing you can do since the leaves are about to shed for the season as the tree goes dormant. Feel free to send us updated images if these or new symptoms reappear next spring.

No herbicides used in the yard.
Thank you for your help. Will look forward to seeing healthy growth emerge next year. 
This tree is my baby. I planted an original wye oak seedling twenty some years ago.
It had its first crop of acorns three years ago and i grew this from one of the acorns. Trying to take good care of it.
Thank you again for your wonderful help!!!!
The Question Asker Replied October 11, 2022, 8:29 AM EDT

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