
Unhealthy leaves of fig tree #813574

Asked October 07, 2022, 5:57 PM EDT

We recently transplanted the fig tree into the ground. Small dark dot started to develop on the leaves of the tree, which seem to be spreading. What is the cause of the unhealthy looking leaves? Is there something that can treat it?

Howard County Maryland

Expert Response

Many leaf-spot fungi or bacteria can cause minor marring of shrub and tree foliage by the end of the growing season, and sometimes normal leaf senescence (the process of leaf degradation and shedding) can mimic those symptoms when no disease is present. In both cases, nothing needs to be done because the health of the plant is not at risk. Fortunately, we do not see anything concerning in these photos. You can visit our Growing Figs page for information about winter protection techniques, if you aren't already aware of them, in order to minimize the risk of winter dieback of branches due to cold. It would also help to mulch around its base (and extend that zone out a bit further from the main stems so the lawn doesn't grow as close) to help insulate the soil from temperate extremes as well as slow evaporation during dry spells. A layer about 2 to 3 inches deep should be sufficient, and don't pile it up against the base of the stems so their bark still gets good air circulation.


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