
Squirrels #813215

Asked October 04, 2022, 8:36 PM EDT

What is the best way to keep squirrels off your house? Our neighbors have oak and walnut trees near our property.

Tuscarawas County Ohio

Expert Response

I doubt there are any ways to keep them off your house.  If the neighbor's trees have branches coming close to your roof they are able to jump from the trees and back again.  Perhaps asking to have the limbs trimmed will help.
Make sure there are no areas they can access into your attic area.  It only takes a small hole for them to set up residence in your house and that is truly a mess, once they establish themselves it is very difficult to get rid of them.
If you have rough sawn wood siding, it is possible for them to run up the side of a house, just like the bark of a tree.
Of course, both the oak and walnut are an excellent source of food for the squirrels, which is keeping them close.  You could try raking up the acorns and walnuts and placing them in an area away from your house.
A good dog can sometimes scare them away, however they are very persistent.  
Sharon Replied October 05, 2022, 9:49 AM EDT

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