
Weed identification and control (1/2) #813020

Asked October 03, 2022, 1:54 PM EDT


This is one of two weeds that is taking over my pasture. Can you tell me its name and the best means of control? 

Brazoria County Texas

Expert Response

I think I've identified it - This appears to be ragweed and the source of my near-constant sneezing. 

Is there a good way to control it in the fall? Will mowing help, or will that make it grow back stronger? 

The Question Asker Replied October 03, 2022, 2:26 PM EDT

Ragweed plants like to grow in heavy, untilled soil and are frequently found in soil that is uncrowded and has poor fertility. They also do not tolerate being mowed very well. Due to this, one of the best ways to control ragweed in your pasture is to make sure it is mowed regularly.

Herbicides are a common way how to kill ragweed. Ragweed is considered a broadleaf weed, so you can use broadleaf weed killers on it to help get rid of it. In recent years, however, some varieties of ragweed have started to build up a resistance to these common weed killers, so using herbicides may not be 100% effective. If you decide to use herbicides to kill ragweed, the best time to apply them is mid spring to early summer. Controlling ragweed at this time will assure that you are applying the herbicide when the leaves of the plant are still rather immature and tender and, therefore, more susceptible to herbicides

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An Ask Extension Expert Replied October 03, 2022, 5:45 PM EDT

Thank you very much!

The Question Asker Replied October 03, 2022, 6:34 PM EDT
you're welcome
An Ask Extension Expert Replied October 05, 2022, 1:18 PM EDT

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