
Pear tree questions #812456

Asked September 27, 2022, 11:33 PM EDT

Hello, I have a pear tree and I have now forgotten whether or not I have a Luscious or Parker pear tree. I thought mine was a Parker pear but the pears are yellowish-green and some have a little blush color. We picked them today to ripen in the house (as they did not ripen before the frost warning). How can I tell the difference between Parker and Luscious? Also, I bought my neighbor a Ure tree per the recommendation of the nursery for cross pollination. This is the first year my relatively young pear tree has had a good harvest. My neighbor’s tree blossomed at the same time as mine, but theirs has only been in their yard for a couple of years. Howeve, the Ure pear tree did not get any pears. So I am wondering if our tree cannot pollinate theirs or if their tree is just not ready to support fruit. Can you give me clarification on what trees the Ure needs for pollination, if any? Thank you in advance! Gwen

Stearns County Minnesota

Expert Response

Hi Gwen,

I've never grown pear trees so you may want more information than I can give. I do know that Parker Pear trees grow much larger in size than Luscious. I think it just may be too soon for you to figure out what you've got. The Parker needs cross pollination, so you need another pear tree in your neighborhood to produce pears.

The Ure pear tree is self pollinating so that tree doesn't need another pear . 

Hope this helps,

Sally Granath

On Tue, Sep 27, 2022 at 10:33 PM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

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Pear tree questions

Hello, I have a pear tree and I have now forgotten whether or not I have a Luscious or Parker pear tree. I thought mine was a Parker pear but the pears are yellowish-green and some have a little blush color. We picked them today to ripen in the house (as they did not ripen before the frost warning). How can I tell the difference between Parker and Luscious? Also, I bought my neighbor a Ure tree per the recommendation of the nursery for cross pollination. This is the first year my relatively young pear tree has had a good harvest. My neighbor’s tree blossomed at the same time as mine, but theirs has only been in their yard for a couple of years. Howeve, the Ure pear tree did not get any pears. So I am wondering if our tree cannot pollinate theirs or if their tree is just not ready to support fruit. Can you give me clarification on what trees the Ure needs for pollination, if any? Thank you in advance! Gwen

From: Gwen
Submitted: 09/27/2022 11:33 PM

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An Ask Extension Expert Replied September 28, 2022, 10:58 PM EDT

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