
New tiny flying pesky insects #812179

Asked September 25, 2022, 10:41 PM EDT

We are seeing an insect new to us lately - they are everywhere! They look like a tiny fleck of bark covered in a transparent body. They fly and land on everything and everyone. Sometimes it feels like they bite. We have to brush ourselves off before we come inside - clothes, hair, and dog. We avoid going outside. Do you know what they are? Thank you! Carrie

Clackamas County Oregon

Expert Response

Hi Carrie,

I can't see much detail in your photo, but based on the shape and its dark and transparent pattern, I think you are seeing lace bugs (Order: Hemiptera, Family: Tingidae).
Here is a link to a photo of a lace  bug for comparison....

Lace bugs feed on plants and I had not previously heard about them biting people. However, I found this on a Wikipedia entry about lace bugs...

"Lace bugs sometimes fall out of trees, land on people, and bite, which, although painful, is a minor nuisance. No medical treatment is necessary. There are reports in Europe, e.g., Italy, France, and Romania, of Corythucha ciliata biting humans and some people have painful reactions, e.g., dermatosis."

Hope that helps!
Bill Gerth Replied September 26, 2022, 1:24 PM EDT
Thank you  very much - that’s it!

We have lots of Oregon White Oak trees, of course since we live in Oak Grove, and they are worse under and around those trees. 
They are really horrible right now, thousands of them, also for our neighbors. We avoid going outside it’s so bad.  We find it best to wear a white shirt so we can see and remove them from our clothes before coming inside. 
We had never noticed them before, but they must’ve been around. Some rain would probably help!

Really appreciate your help.


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On Sep 26, 2022, at 10:25 AM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied September 26, 2022, 1:51 PM EDT
Sorry to hear they are being pesky. Nice to hear your tips about how you manage when they are out. I'll pass that info on to others if they contact me about this issue.
Hang in there!
Bill Gerth Replied September 26, 2022, 1:57 PM EDT

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