sick burr oak #811609
Asked September 20, 2022, 7:56 PM EDT
Fort Bend County Texas
Expert Response
This is a 35 year old Burr Oak I have had 3 0r 4 large fires burning brush and cane near this tree and i think it senged the leaves going up one side of the tree but I do not think that it could have caused all of this wilting. We have been in a drought situation and I had not been watering it very much but when I recognized that it looked wilted I bought a soaker hose and watered it for 48 hours twice every 8 to 10 days. I even watered it until there was standing water but it continues to look wilted. Someone I talked to said that oak wilt had not reached our area. I do not know what to do about it can you please help
here are some more pics of my 35 year old wilting burr oak
It also looks like there are some holes in the bark of the trunk. it could be shadows, can't tell from the image.
I usually recommend having the tree evaluated by a certified arborist. I know you said it was evaluated but look at this website and see if they are listed as being certified. If not, find a certified arborist and get a second opinion.
Thanks for the question.