
mistry tree #811324

Asked September 19, 2022, 9:46 AM EDT

What is this tree and can I eat the little apple looking fruit ? This is the prettiest ca cone I have ever seen , what is in it ?

Baltimore County Maryland

Expert Response


We think the tree looks like American Persimmon (our native persimmon). The fruit matures in late fall and will appear yellow to orange in color and very easily come off the tree when tugged slightly. If the fruit does not come off easily, it will likely be unripe and too astringent to eat. You could also search the ground for clean and recently fallen fruit to try - these are more likely to be ripe. 

More on American Persimmon here:

The chrysalis shown in the photo is the pupa stage of a monarch butterfly. The butterfly will stay in the chrysalis for 8-15 days before emerging. You can find photos of this process here:


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