
Is this tree (Oregon Myrtle) all right? #810983

Asked September 15, 2022, 6:34 PM EDT

I noticed about a month ago the large Oregon myrtle in my front yard started losing its leaves. Looking at it today, I see that some of the leaves are turning yellow. I was wondering if this is a problem given that it’s an evergreen or just normal shedding of leaves?

Clackamas County Oregon

Expert Response

Have you occasionally deeply watered your Oregon myrtle (Umbellularia californica) this summer?
The yellow leaves are a small percentage of the canopy, so it looks like normal shedding to me. Evergreen trees drop those oldest leaves. Does it look more severe than past years?
This is a very large tree planted very near the foundation and extending over your home. A hazard assessment by a certified arborist is recommended especially if you have concerns about the tree health. Here are tips for hiring and arborist and here is the PNW ISA directory of certified arborists.

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