
Adding compost to lawn #810439

Asked September 12, 2022, 1:18 PM EDT

I am dethatching my small lawn. Then I will mow, fertilize, and water. Is it good to put a layer of compost on and water it in? I have seen a neighbor do that.

Lane County Oregon

Expert Response


At this time of year, I think applying up to  1/2" of compost would be fine for a lawn renovation, as you have described it in your brief note. I'd rake the compost in, to get it below the leaf blades and onto the soil.

Consider holding off on chemical fertilizers until April of next year - applying that form of nitrogen at this time of year risks nitrogen runoff from your lawn, which will cease active growth as temperatures cool.

If we have heavy rains in the fall, the very soluble nitrogen in the fertilizer could be moved below the level of the roots of your lawn - a waste of time and money, and a risk to water quality in nearby creeks.
Linda J. Brewer, Senior Faculty Research Assistant II Replied September 12, 2022, 9:40 PM EDT

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