
Oak Tree Losing Leaves #810406

Asked September 12, 2022, 10:45 AM EDT

I have a red oak tree that is over 15 years old and about 25 ft. high. The new leaves at the tip of the branches are turning brown and dropping.  I think it's due to the drought and dry spring.  I've been deep root watering it about once a week. Should I water more? If so, how often.  Will it recover this winter. Should I water it this winter during warmer weather?

I'm sending photos.

Boulder County Colorado

Expert Response

Hello Donna,
Thank you for contacting us. We are inclined to agree with you that your leaves browning and dropping are due to our extremely high temperatures this summer.
Here are some great fact sheets we recommend for keeping happy, healthy trees:


CSU Extension Boulder County Master Gardeners

An Ask Extension Expert Replied September 14, 2022, 10:54 PM EDT

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