
Geranium leaves turning white #810099

Asked September 09, 2022, 11:57 AM EDT

Hi, I have healthy geranium plants in pots outside. What could be causing the leaves to turn white? I took cuttings earlier from these plants and rooted them in water. The leaves on those plants are showing similar symptoms. Thank you.

Howard County Maryland

Expert Response

We've consulted our plant pathologist but can't determine a cause for the bleaching. Some research articles suggest high heat can cause symptoms like these on geranium, but since we often have hot weather in Maryland summers and this is not a widespread occurrence, we're not certain how it might be responsible here. Perhaps pots in locations where the roots are also getting too hot or the plants experiencing reflected heat from a nearby wall, decking, or other structure is part of the cause. If it's been awhile since you last fertilized, perhaps a light dose would be of use to spur more chlorophyll production now that our nights are cooling.


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