Carex oshimensis evergold - brown leaves #809744
Asked September 06, 2022, 5:56 PM EDT
What would cause some leaves on my carex to turn brown? Is it natural? I've had these plants for years and have never seen leaves this way, though I have moved the plants around some. Their current location is light shade, primarily morning sun. They've gotten a fair amount of watering during this hot, dry summer - usually every third or fourth day. I don't usually cut them back - in either Spring or Fall - but by this Spring they had gotten too long and leaves were dragging on the ground so I removed about 1/3 of the length to make them neater. In the attached picture, the browning is worst on the middle plant; you can see it easier if you zoom in. Thank you.
Delaware County Pennsylvania
Expert Response
Your carex plants do make a nice display. It's unfortunate about the browning leaves. But it's not uncommon to see. I wouldn't be too worried.
Being non-native plants, they are very resistant to diseases and pests. I suspect your problem is abiotic. That is to say environmental. I think you may be overdoing the watering. Carex oshimensis, once established is quite drought tolerant. While they can do well in moist soil, they need to good drainage.
I suggest cutting back on your watering schedule--water only when the top two inches of soil dries out. Planted as they are in that bed, that may mean cutting back to once a week or less.
If you wish, you can trim out the browning leaves for aesthetic purposes. Just be sure not ti trim away more than 20% of your foliage at any one time.
Good luck, and happy gardening!