
Does this damaged oak need attention? #809514

Asked September 05, 2022, 2:42 PM EDT

Hi, we have an oak tree in our yard that suffered an injury last winter when the top of a white pine broke off and fell on it. I've attached a picture. Above where the trunk naturally forks (hard to see the fork in this angle), the smaller half of the fork is badly splintered. Is this something we should have a tree service trim up (cut cleanly)? And if so, what time of year is best to do it? thank you for your assistance

Antrim County Michigan

Expert Response


Although the chance of the tree getting oak wilt disease is at a lower risk right now. It would be wise to consult a certified arborist who is qualified in dealing oak wilt management. See the list attached:

Thank you for contacting Ask Extension.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied September 06, 2022, 4:50 PM EDT

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