
Unknown Plant growing in my garden #809373

Asked September 03, 2022, 10:57 PM EDT

What plant is this? It has tiny yellow flowers and then cone shape pods. Is it an invasive plant with seeds.

Montgomery County Maryland

Expert Response

Thank you for your question and photo. The plant shown here appears to be velvetleaf (Albutilon theophrasti). It is a common, non-native plant that is established throughout Maryland.

The best way to remove it from your garden and yard is by hand. Single plants can be easily pulled or dug up before they set seed. All plant material should be carefully bagged and discarded with the trash to avoid spreading the seeds, which are very long lived (up to 50 years). Avoid cultivating the soil in the areas in which you have found velvetleaf previously, since doing so will bring dormant seeds up closer to the surface of the soil, where they will have a better chance of germinating. To keep velvetleaf out of your garden and yard in the future, watch the area in which you are seeing it right now closely next spring, and pull up any new seedlings as soon as you are able to identify them. Here are two links: the first for more information and a comparative photo, and the second for additional comparative photos.

I hope this is helpful.

~ Karin
Thank you for answering my question so promptly.
The picture of the velvetleaf plant is exactly like the plant in my garden.
I will follow your instructions and remove it today.
Your help is greatly appreciated.

From: askextension=<personal data hidden> <askextension=<personal data hidden>> on behalf of Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2022 6:02 PM
To: Winsome Palmer <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Unknown Plant growing in my garden (#0079304)
The Question Asker Replied September 06, 2022, 2:57 PM EDT

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