what is this? found on our driveway, deck and yard. - Ask Extension
my pictures are to large. if someone would contact us we can figure out a way for you to see it. Tried a PDF wouldn't let me attach it.
what is this? found on our driveway, deck and yard. #809364
Asked September 03, 2022, 6:08 PM EDT
my pictures are to large. if someone would contact us we can figure out a way for you to see it. Tried a PDF wouldn't let me attach it.
Anoka County Minnesota
Expert Response
We will need a picture. Are you trying to identify a plant, insect or ? Send a single picture and we can work from there.
Hello, I am so sorry it took me this long to answer this email. We are having these ?droppings? in our driveway (second attachment), yard (first attachment) and by light poles. We have looked online for several items and can not find what they are from. i would appreciate any assistance you can provide. Thank you!
Charlotte Paulson
Do you have nearby walnut trees? They may be leftovers from squirrels husking/eating them.
no walnut trees, could it be something moles do, leave? it is to big for nut leftovers they are chunky and dog food size. regular dog food not mini. might have to bring a sample in. there is another batch in our driveway today.
thank you. This PDF and picture are from the driveway, color not good as that is asphalt.
I have asked several experts and they are not able to identify this from the picture. Taking it to the Anoka County Extension office maybe helpful.
Thank you for your email. We will try that.