
Possible Mole Trails #809224

Asked September 02, 2022, 3:48 PM EDT

Hi, I had my lawn sprayed with pesticide within the last week. About 4 days after the spraying, a long trail of dead grass, about 70 feet long, appeared beside my driveway on my neighbors lawn (photos attached). My brother believes this trail is caused by moles eating the roots of the grass from below. Please view the photos and tell me if this is the likely cause. If it is moles, how can the neighbor get rid of them without using pesticides or any type of poison? She has very bad allergies and does not want to use any type of mole poison or pesticides. Thanks, Bob

Cuyahoga County Ohio

Expert Response

We had a hiccup in the system and somehow your question did not get assigned. With the time frame that has lapsed we are going to close the question. If you are still needing help with this question, please submit your question again. Thank you and sorry for the mishap. Please feel free to "ASK" again!

An Ask Extension Expert Replied February 16, 2023, 9:31 AM EST

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