Pittock Mansion gardens - Ask Extension
Dear OSU Extension Service,
I understand that your Master Gardener program takes care of the gardens at Pittock Mansion.
When I was a child my...
Pittock Mansion gardens #809214
Asked September 02, 2022, 3:03 PM EDT
Dear OSU Extension Service,
I understand that your Master Gardener program takes care of the gardens at Pittock Mansion.
When I was a child my father had a wonderful rose, about a 3' x 3' plant, that was covered in the summer in small, pink roses. What was wonderful was that it had a very, very peppery fragrance.
Unfotunately the rose vanished with the house. About 12 years ago I was visiting Portland and found the same rose at Pittock Mansion in the garden there. It did have a name tag, and I took a photograph. But have lost the photograph!
Now that I have a garden I would love to try to find that rose and plant it in memory of my Dad. But I need to find the name.
Is there any chance someone in your program is familiar with this rose?
I don't have high hopes but I do have a faint hope that this may help me find out the name of the rose so I can then try to track it down.
I don't live in Portland , but in Victoria, B.C.
Thank you in advance if anyone is able to help!
Multnomah County Oregon
Expert Response
Thank you for your question, Anne. Metro Master Gardeners have, in prior years, helped maintain and lead tours through the Pittock Mansion. (https://www.oregonlive.com/hg/2016/06/pittock_mansion_garden_portlan.html)
However, these efforts were put on hold during Covid. Most of our volunteer activities are only recently resuming, and I doubt this would be helpful. I have two suggestions: contact the Pittock Mansion directly (https://www.oregonlive.com/hg/2016/06/pittock_mansion_garden_portlan.html) or see if the rose variety is listed in the "Plant List of the Pittock Mansion" Paperback--May 8, 2013, $9.64; available on (at least) Amazon.
Good luck!
However, these efforts were put on hold during Covid. Most of our volunteer activities are only recently resuming, and I doubt this would be helpful. I have two suggestions: contact the Pittock Mansion directly (https://www.oregonlive.com/hg/2016/06/pittock_mansion_garden_portlan.html) or see if the rose variety is listed in the "Plant List of the Pittock Mansion" Paperback--May 8, 2013, $9.64; available on (at least) Amazon.
Good luck!
Thanks so much for the quick response! Very helpful suggestions for my search.
Kind regards,
From: "Ask Extension" <<personal data hidden>>
To: "Anne Underwood" <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Friday, 2 September, 2022 13:43:46
Subject: Re: Pittock Mansion gardens (#0079145)
To: "Anne Underwood" <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Friday, 2 September, 2022 13:43:46
Subject: Re: Pittock Mansion gardens (#0079145)
I know how much we record our histories with plants!