
Blue Spruce needle-loss #808821

Asked August 30, 2022, 6:25 PM EDT

We recently had a blue spruce and a Hoopsii planted.  Both are starting to lose needles on the lower limbs.  They seem to turn white, dry out.  Will send pics.  What can we do?

Boulder County Colorado

Expert Response

pics attached.

The Question Asker Replied August 30, 2022, 6:52 PM EDT

Hoopsii spruce tree with lower limb needle shed

The Question Asker Replied August 30, 2022, 6:53 PM EDT
Dear Doug,
There is always some loss of needles from the installation of new trees. Conifers show needle loss from lower limbs first and usually two to three months after planting. That said, it depends also on how they were planted -- not too deep not too shallow and what kind of water they have been receiving since you planted them.
Mulching the trees with a tree ring -- out 6 inches from the trunk and to the dripline will help maintain soil moisture during particularly dry and hot times. And winter watering this coming 2022/2023 season will help as well.
I have included fact sheets on mulching and winter watering
 (mulching trees

Fall and Winter Watering - 7.211 - Extension (

Thank you,
John at Help desk
CSU Master Gardeners

Opens 9/1 until 10/15 for 2023 classes in January. Gave links to CSU application and info page

An Ask Extension Expert Replied September 01, 2022, 12:41 PM EDT

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