Are my wild grapes edible? - Ask Extension
I’ve attached photos of the leaves and fruit from the abundant wild grapes we have on our property this yr. Can you tell me if they are edible? I’...
Are my wild grapes edible? #808557
Asked August 29, 2022, 1:27 PM EDT
I’ve attached photos of the leaves and fruit from the abundant wild grapes we have on our property this yr. Can you tell me if they are edible? I’d love to make jelly with them.
Thank you, Jennifer
Howard County,MD
Howard County Maryland
Expert Response
Hi Jennifer!
This appears to be a wild grape vine. The fruit are edible when ripe. There are wild grape "look-alikes" with poisonous fruits to be aware of:
Common moonseed (Menispermum canadense) - It has dark purple fruits that contain a single flat seed. Wild grape fruits contain 1-4 pear-shaped seeds.
Porcelain berry (Ampelopsis brevipedunculata) - Additional information on porcelain berry can be found on the NC State Extension profile for this plant.