
Translucent/Silvery on Green Star Lettuce #808505

Asked August 29, 2022, 11:19 AM EDT

I am a hydroponic lettuce farm (Non profit) job skills training for adults with disabilities. I have some lettuce showing up with translucent/ or silvery spots/ on leaf. It doesn't look like any of the pictures I have seen in searching the internet. Humidity is 51%, temp is constant 72 degrees F. It is only effecting the Green star currently.

Hamilton County Ohio

Expert Response

We had a hiccup in the system and somehow your question did not get assigned. With the time frame that has lapsed we are going to close the question. If you are still needing help with this question, please submit your question again. Thank you and sorry for the mishap. Please feel free to "ASK" again!

An Ask Extension Expert Replied February 16, 2023, 9:39 AM EST

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