
Dying Sugar Maples #808495

Asked August 29, 2022, 10:55 AM EDT

We have lost one large sugar maple and several others in the same vicinity appear to be dying as well. Last year a fairly large sugar maple (16" diameter) began looking sick in early spring and by late summer lost all leaves. Now 2 much larger sugar maples trees adjacent to that one have large branches whose leaves began to wilt shortly after leafing out and now those branches appear dead - this appears to be quickly spreading through those trees. We just cut one of those branches down - about 8" in diameter - see attached photos. Does this appear to be sapstreak disease? We started to do a better job watering the trees - are there any other options?

St. Clair County Michigan

Expert Response

Hi David,
The research I read indicates that sapstreak disease generally stays in the trunk of a tree and that the leaves will leaf out, but be stunted, or smaller than normal leaves. Did that happen to the tree(s) this year or last?
See page 4 of the publication at the link below:
Or, it could be verticillium wilt?
If so, you may want to submit samples to the MSU Plant and Pest Diagnostic Lab:
If you have any questions, or would find it useful to talk this through, please do not hesitate to reach out. 
Thank you,
Julie Crick Replied August 29, 2022, 4:09 PM EDT

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