
Aphids/whiteflies invading hardy hibiscus #807824

Asked August 24, 2022, 12:54 PM EDT

This year my hardy hibiscus have been invaded by what I'm assuming are aphids/whiteflies (tiny white things). We have tried sevin and an insecticidal soap spray that says it's for aphids/whiteflies but does not seem to be doing anything. What can we do to get rid of them and will they end up killing my plants? If not, what can I do to prevent this from happening next year? We didn't have the problem last year.

Douglas County Nebraska

Expert Response

I have done some checking and these little 'bugs' are NOT whiteflies or aphids. The are attaching themselves to the leaves.  Since my original post, we have tried Eight and it has done nothing.  attached is a picture of a leaf that is not covered in them but has them.

Also my email stated that I would be contacted 'as soon as possible'.  It's been over a week and just wondering what is the time?

The Question Asker Replied August 30, 2022, 8:43 AM EDT
Thanks for your follow-up information. The presence of sooty mold (the black fungus) which forms on honeydew (the high sugar content excrement) is indicative of the presence of some type of sucking pest. It is highly likely the insecticide you're applying IS effective but with the quick turnaround from eggs to feeders, there are successive generations. Another possibility is they are flying in from other plants. No insecticide kills eggs, so treating once a week for a period of 4 weeks will be necessary to break the cycle. Please feel free to collect a sample to take to your local Extension Office for more information.
Kathleen Cue Replied August 30, 2022, 10:20 AM EDT

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