
Snapdragon Pest Identification Assistance #805910

Asked August 12, 2022, 5:57 AM EDT

Hello! I discovered this pest on my snapdragons a week or so ago. I've been trying to google typically pest of snap dragons and I'm having trouble identifying what exactly this is. It has hard shell. They seem to be clustering around forming buds. I would appreciate help identifying and best practices for management (or pulling plants up and starting over next year?). Thanks! Tara

Rutland County Vermont

Expert Response

Hi Tara,

Thanks so much for reaching out UVM AskExtension. The bug on your snaps is called a Twice-Stabbed Stink Bug/Harlequin bug (Cosmopepla lintneriana). Our entomologist offers this response:

These harlequin bugs are difficult to manage. Learning how to identify the eggs is a start and then removing them before they hatch. Once they hatch you can hand pick them if there aren’t too many infected plants. The standard organic pesticides, such as neem-based products, are effective, but they also impact the other natural enemies. Here’s a few websites that provide additional information about managing harlequin bugs in general and identification of this species in particular:

I hope this information helps! Thanks again for reaching out to AskExtension at UVM and good luck!

Haley K, UVM Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Replied August 12, 2022, 3:49 PM EDT

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